545 North Broad Street

  • Philadelphia, PA

  • 108-unit apartment building with ground floor commercial

  • 150,000sf

  • LEED Gold certified

  • completed 2023

exterior photographer: Jeffrey Totaro

545 North Broad rose to new heights and a new construction type.  The scale of the project allowed for panelized construction.  Panels were fabricated off site with all exterior weather barriers and finishes installed including the windows.  They were then installed and gasketed together to produce a well sealed building envelope.  The panels also gave an opportunity to play with some additional depth in the facade.  For the projected portion of the corrugated metal facade, curving jambs at the windows highlighted the ability of the corrugating to work with the design intent.  The project contains multiple amenity spaces throughout the building on multiple levels including an extensive green roof.


729 North 6th


212 South 3rd